Thursday, November 12, 2009

Waiting for TA

So as you know we are waiting for our travel approval. Our agency said this could come anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks after our documents arrived back in Beijing. I just heard yesterday that the family who is with our agency that we have become friends with and whose timeline was similar to ours and who we thought we might get to travel with because their son is in the same SWI system received their TA!!! We are so happy and excited for them!! They are now waiting on a consulate appointment and if they get the one they want, they will leave on Thanksgiving!!! If we don't get our travel approval in the next few days it is highly doubtful that we will be able to travel with them. I was so hoping to do this as it was going to be so nice to have another Christian family in province with us and I was really hoping to meet them in person and meet their adorable son but this may just not be God's we wait and pray and hope and know that it will be in His time and not ours. Please pray for peace and clarity for this family as they have a lot of planning and packing ahead in the next week and a half and I know they are so excited to get to their son!!! This was also a huge reality check for us as we are thinking now that we really could leave anytime and may only have a weeks notice!!! I have moments when I think I am perfectly ready and lets get moving and then other moments of terror when I think that I can't possibly be ready - yes, the same emotions as waiting to go into labor:) But today we rejoice in the knowledge that one little boy in Taiyuan in the Shanxi Province of the People's Republic of China will be with his family in just a couple of weeks and will no longer be an orphan. Is there anything more wonderful to hear!! Praise God!!

Psalm 145: 1-2  I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.

1 comment:

Kel said...

Absolutely fantastic news! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.

I have everything crossed for you!!